yo~~.... today...very very 激烈.. u know why..?? haha...actually today... we went to library in a group.... like gangster...macam yes... suddenly....duno who say ezmal comin... so .... we 散水... haiz...散wat la...at last ....that soon hung give This" o0o" to that teacher.... then.. that teacher call pengawas catch us.... bai ga liao o.. we run sibeh fast....suddenly like in the olimpic stadium... diao..... we run run run.... that pengawas tangkap tangkap tangkap... so... we find another way... to back our class.... suddenly...i saw AH PIAN...the 矮仔.. so.... he shout... eh...boy....come here... aiya...who will so sibeh de... go back there?.. really no brain.... back to the story~ we run again.... like走遍天涯.... so .....we back to our class... me and william almost mampus.... our teacher asked us..... mana u pergi?... i said....ponteng lor.... then she nothing to say.... i asked teacher.... cikgu...lain kali kalao saya ponteng...boleh bawa oxygen tank? teacher speechless liao.... = =.....today...another...lagi teruk.. whole class cheating... when islam test... my malay friend infront of me... keep copy copy copy... 炸到..they even take out their note book come out... this is the worst test i've ever seen... of course... i also tiru.... but not really very geng that type lar... a bit only.... maybe this call 1 malaysia.... malay help chinese...chinese help indian... so teamwork.... this year....in 4T2...really